What I Do


I focus on issues affecting small players at the intersection of technology, culture and ethical practice.

Digital Thinking

Perception shapes reality

Knowledge | Thought Leadership

I believe perception, the way we see the world, defines our reality and influences outcomes.  Knowledge – or its lack – shapes perception and either helps or hurts good decision-making.  At its worst, what we know or don’t know has the power to warp our thinking and cause lasting harm.  Clients and colleagues tell me my ability to capture & distil the complexity of the modern age allows them to think strategically and act ethically.  This is vital as technological innovation and disruption shape the future, leading to the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), blurring lines between physical, digital, and biological systems, challenging the very idea of what it means to be human. 

Digital Policies

We become what we practice

Values-Based Principles | Direction

Good polices based on shared ethical standards provide the discipline and direction necessary for success.  They guide planning and decision making, helping people visualize and articulate practical, positive outcomes.  I help clients develop policy frameworks that are fit for purpose in a complex, competitive, constantly changing technological environment.  Ultimately, I believe we embody the principles and behaviours we practice.  

Digital Strategies

We plan to succeed

Master Plans | Roadmaps

Given current global uncertainty and disruption, fueled in part by rapid technological change, the ability to translate ideas, principles and policies into effective strategies for action is now more vital than ever.  I help clients design coherent, effective interventions that bring a sense of discipline, order and purpose to chaotic, fast-moving environments.  My professional success is built on the belief that we must plan to succeed.


Our impact has value

Overcoming Deficits

As digital technologies revolutionise every aspect of everyday life, reality has not kept pace with promised transformation for small players at the margins of economic growth and development.  Many are experiencing implementation deficits they find it difficult to overcome.  But successful performance is all about delivering value.  The idea that implementation is a chaotic jumble of activities that eventually leads to value creation is an unfortunate misconstruction of the reality.  Working alone or with world-class professionals I assemble on a project-by-project basis, I can take you from strategy design through to implementation by understanding, mapping, guiding and monitoring the elements, stages, structures and resources required for success.